Sunday, March 25, 2007

Template Woes

I'd started off the blog without bothering too much about the decor, in line with my usual way of keeping things functional. Last night I had some time on my hands and I started tinkering around with the look and feel of the blog trying to 'personalise' it. No wonder then that even one template failed to catch my eye. This was bringing things to the other end of the spectrum, from mere functional to hoity-toity.

Most of the standard templates that Blogger provided had one or the other point which went against their favor (Robert, इनमें से एक भी ठीक नही है! किसीकी नाक टेढ़ी है तो किसीकी आँख!!) I almost always hate the plain jane looking interface with a black background, hell I dont even like black backgrounds on my desktop! So getting that look on the blog was out of the question. Towards the end of an hour and having had enough sifting through atleast 10 templates I finally settled for the current one. Not that I am all too happy with it but this one's atleast about okay. This one has too much grey in it. Grey, to me, is too dark depressing and gloomy. I can go on and on about how I hate overcast grey skies, gloomy weather and the rains but I'll try and stick to the topic for now.

Maybe on another day when I have some more time to kill I'll look around and pimp my blog up ;) Tic Tac Blue it is until then!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Bulls eye mate! None of them impressed me either...Look up on the web dood....there are some good ones floating around.